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BHARAT DIGITECH : Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

The information that is displayed on our website should not be used for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by the terms, conditions and policies. The content cannot be modified, published, transmitted, sold, or reproduced by any third party. Our website contains facts, views, opinions regarding our services and products but at the same time we don't represent or endorse the accuracy regarding the results obtained from the use of our information. BHARAT DIGITECH shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental damage or loss of profits or royalties arising out of any services provided by us. Nothing shall be considered as a substitute of personal investigation and the sound technical and business judgment of the reader

Note: We request you to read the above mentioned Terms and Conditions, if you do not agree with any of the condition mentioned above or any other reason you find your discomfort with above points kindly do not register purchase or deal with us. BHARAT DIGITECH appreciates your time here.

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